Intelectual Property Rights

When a company builds up a strong brand it’s important that they protect this brand. Therefore, we at B.R.C. sarl provide several services related to the protection of brands and intellectual property rights.

One of the largest problems related to intellectual property rights are counterfeit and pirated goods. We have worked with many well-known manufacturers of designer label clothes, handbags, perfumes and watches, as well as producers of computer software, DVDs, and alcoholic spirits. According to the latest figures, the sales of such illegal goods exceed more than $176 billion worldwide and this number is still growing, especially the amount of pirated goods on the internet is still increasing rapidly.

This not only reduces the revenue of those companies, but these products also harm their reputation. Therefore, B.R.C. sarl is specialized in protecting companies from these practices. We actively monitor the market and when we find counterfeit products, we take care of the entire process. We make test purchases and work together with local law enforcement agencies to seize pirated goods and convict the criminals responsible for creating and selling them. Only in Greece the last five years we managed to seize in collaboration with the local authorities more than one million counterfeit items.

In addition to this, we are also able to constantly monitor for possible trademark and patent infringements and thereby stop potential threats before they become a real problem.